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  • Writer's pictureBuddha Jumps

Seriously? Butter...That's it?

I have a herd of goats, so I usually use the cream I collect to make my homemade says maybe nobody you actually know. I do however make my own butter from time to time. And, of course whenever I mention making my own butter people tend to look at me in wonder...head cocked. I'm sure the first thing that goes through their mind is why🤔? And then second, now's much too hard 😬

So it's not, and take a 👀 at what's in your store bought butter next time.

I prefer good, honest butter. I know where it comes from and it has no additives, nor does it require any complicated processing. This is one of those simplestupid things to make. It’s so easy to make butter at home—there are also dozens of flavors you can add.


  • 1 quart heavy cream

  • 3/4 teaspoon salt


  1. Pour cream into bowl of stand mixer fitted with paddle attachment. Add salt. Cover mixer with a towel–trust me on this one, it will be messy! Turn mixer on high.

  2. Continue mixing, checking on mixture frequently. It will first turn to whipped cream, then begin to get grainy and separate into butter and buttermilk, and the splashing will get much worse. The butter is ready when it sticks in a clump to the paddle.

  3. Pour off the liquid (that's buttermilk) save it to make other recipes. And pat the butter into a mason jar or container and slap it in the fridge. Done. 🙌

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